GB WhatsApp is becoming famous among the youth of India because it is giving some so-called features. The App which is not an official affiliate of Whatsapp is providing features like recovering deleted images, messages, audio files, and more.
Features Which GB Whatsapp Provide
1. Recover Deleted Messages, Images, Audio Files, Videos, and more.
GB Whatsapp is famous for recovering deleted messages, images, videos, and other files also. But there is a cap, If the message is deleted before it is received on the phone then the internet is turned off in the phone and if the sender deletes the message before you turn on the internet then the message can’t be recovered.
2. Custome image on the home section.
On official Whatsapp, they don’t allow custom images on the home section of the Wp. But they did allow the addition of custom images on the messaging section. But on GB Whatsapp users can add images on the home section with the messaging section also.
Is it safe to use GB Whatsapp?
Not at all. Using GB Whatsapp or any kind of apps which are not an official affiliate of Whatsapp is totally unsafe for your device. It can contain malware viruses and can damage your phone.
Whatsapp also warned users of GB Whatsapp that they will ban the numbers which are using GB Whatsapp. Also, Google warned android users who use external download apps that these apps are unsafe.
Downloading apps which are not available on the Google Play store is totally unsafe, Because the source from where you download the app may add malware, viruses in the app.
The Big Problem
It is totally risky to use GB Whatsapp because it doesn’t give users “End to End Encryption” Which Whatsapp gives. All messages which are sent through GB Whatsapp can be seen by the owner of GB Whatsapp.
The GB Whatsapp is not an affiliate or does not have any connections with the official Whatsapp company so, they don’t take any responsibility for the privacy of the users of their app.
My Suggestion
Don’t use these types of apps that are not official. When you will use these apps, you can get features but your privacy will be compromised. You should only use the official apps of Whatsapp which are available on the Play Store and App Store. Also, you can use the Telegram app which is a good option for your privacy.